About Me

About Me

Hi! I’m Will Carter and I’m majoring in Digital Media, concentrating in Business Strategies. I also have an additional major in Sustainable Plant and Soil Systems, concentrating in Environmental Horticulture. Besides that, I have a minor in Wildlife Conservation.

When applying to UConn, I was torn about whether to pursue a digital or environmental-related degree. To compromise, I decided on majoring in Digital Media with a minor in Wildlife Conservation, both of which I'm completing this semester. After taking a few plant-related classes for my minor, I realized that’s more specifically where my interest lay, which led me to the Plant Science department. I’m excited to be here at UConn, learning new skills and improving upon old ones!

My interest in plants and wildlife started at an early age, as my home backs up to Aspetuck Land Trust in Easton, CT, so I had easy access to over 1,000 acres of nature ready to be explored. As I got older my enjoyment of the forest and the surrounding land continued through photography, birding, and hiking. I also dedicated my time and resources to ALT in building a GPS-based Mobile Trail Map using Avenza Maps so hikers could identify where they are located and how to direct themselves within the preserve.

When I’m not busy with my studies, I enjoy being out in nature or interacting with it, whether that’s hiking in the UConn forest, meeting up with the Birding Club, or attending the UConn Horticulture club weekly meetings.